Thursday, April 7, 2011

Microsoft Windows 7 Administrator's Reference

Format : PDF
Author : Jorge Orchilles
Publisher : SYNGRESS® Company
ISBN 978-1-59749-561-5
Pages  :640
Size : 23 Mb

Welcome to Microsoft Windows 7 Administrator’s Reference, the only Windows 7 book for system administrators written by system administrators. As you might have seen among the other books on the shelves or e-commerce sites, most books on Windows 7 are either for the end user or for administrators, but not for both. This is because most books are written by technical writers, who are not real-world system administrators and lack the understanding of a system administrator. As experienced system administrators, we know that you need to master not only how to use Windows 7 from an end-user perspective but also how to manage and eventually share your knowledge with your users. This book will cover everything you need to know to successfully plan, deploy, configure, manage, administer, and troubleshoot Windows 7 systems.
We have deployed thousands of end-user machines and know what administrators are really looking for. Additionally, we offer multiple methods of accomplishing certain tasks, not just the way Microsoft dictates.

With that said, congratulations, by picking up this book, you have begun your journey of masteringmWindows 7. As opposed to Vista, most reviews for Microsoft’s latest operating system are very positive. In reality, and as you will soon see, Windows 7 is awesome! Not only will it be easier, quicker, and better to use for you, but it will also make business users more productive and efficient. Windows 7 is more reliable, compatible, and secure.

On that note, security has become one of the biggest issues with end-user operating systems.Unlike other books that are dedicated to securing the operating system after the fact, this bookconsiders security very seriously, showing you how to securely deploy and configure the operating system from the start. Since starting its security initiative, Microsoft has done an incredibly good job securing its latest products.

Windows users currently make up almost 90 percent of the desktop market; this means thatmore likely than not, you and your users will be migrating to this new and improved operatingsystem soon. Some surveys also suggest that between 75 and 90 percent of corporations skipped migrating to Windows Vista in their enterprise environment. Taking this into consideration, we note that this book does not require Windows Vista experience, although it is recommended.

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